Meet the host

Magnify The Lord

Norwood Evangelistic Center was established out of a tent Crusade that was held at the popular Walter Fletcher Beach also known as Dump Up in 1987.
The pioneering work of Apostle Rev Dr Vincent Theophilus Williams (VT) Saw the Jamaica Evangelistic Association moving out West just to share the Gospel Message with no intent of planting a church.
The success of the Crusade made it imperative for the brethren that got saved to have a burning desire to fellowship together. With that desire the leadership of the association put strategies in place for that to be a reality; so brethren met at various locations over time.
In the 90s Land became available in Norwood and so the church started its humble beginnings there.
The church has grown Spiritually,numerically and physically and is now under the Pastoral care of Rev Olivier Dixon who has been at Norwood for the past seventeen years. One of her overarching objective is to see 100 men get saved in the church and the Norwood Branch has the most males outside of the headquarters church.